A living dog is...

Friday, October 13, 2006

Chicago, the show not the place

Just got back from seeing Chicago... Usher was meant to be in it, but he called in sick (lame) but it was pretty good nonetheless. Despite my natural inclination away from musicals, I enjoyed myself and would recommend it - the jazz isn't groundbreaking, but the band was very tight and the cast looked to be enjoying themselves, which is always a good sign.

Other recent gems have been the Met and the MoMa (Museum of Modern Art - the New Yorkers like to shorten things into acronyms or similar e.g. SoHo = South of Houston; Tribeca = Triangle below Canal; Nolita = North of Little Italy and my personal favourite DUMBO = Down under Manhattan Bridge Overpass) although I lament the US' lack of subsidy for museums so that most charge an entry fee unlike the ones in London. It's worth thinking whether the Tate Modern would be so popular if there were a £15 entry fee to navigate?


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