A living dog is...

Saturday, October 14, 2006

The antiretroviPod?

An iPod to cure AIDS? Well that's what I understood from the headline in this story... Apologies for lack of medical knowledge, but I'm not sure a portable music player will have any effect on the virus?

The red iPod costs $199 and - get this - $10 of the purchase price goes to the Global Fund to fight AIDS. With Apple set to post yearly profits of circa $1.9bn, am I the only one thinking, "That's probably not the most altruistic thing they'll ever do"? Another great headline from the news was "Bono to Fight AIDS With RED iPod and RAZR." I can't wait to see how he gets on with that...

Will brands please stop using the red gimmick as something to make us all feel so much more warm and cosy? Motorola, Apple, AMEX - you all exist to make money for your shareholders, not to fight global pandemics... please do not insult our intelligence so much by insinuating that the token 5% of revenue from novelty products is really doing your best to help one of the world's biggest problems. Anyway, if you really want to "fight AIDS" then you're probably better off without an iPod, and putting your $199 straight here anyway.


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