New beginnings
Crikey, it's been a while since I posted and so much has come to pass since returning to blighty. 2006 ended and 2007 came into being, recruitment consultants were met with - some more helpful than others, and some decisions were made. So as it stands, I'll be starting new ventures with ING Media on 19th February, the week after the 3GSM World Congress in Barcelona - NFI'd this time darlings, must get mobile client with ample trade show budget for '08. In any case, there are further new beginnings afoot as I'll soon be moving to yet another London address, within a short commute of the Old Street office. I'm looking forward to getting to know a new neighbourhood, what with South Lambeth, Brooklyn, and Santo Domingo all representing some form of stomping ground over the last year, it will be nice to feel settled again, which is really what I hope to feel in the next month or so.
I'm also wondering what to do with this blog since it's no longer being posted from the unknown. There are plenty of media blogs and PR blogs out there and I'm not sure it's my place to imitate them. Yes, yes, I know a blog all about the individual voice on an issue, it's about the internet as a conversation, but if we're all busy reading and writing blogs, none of us would get any work done.